LED Driver Gesture Display


Let them know how you really feel, with the Geshowit LED driver gesture display with 3 optional gesture modes.

Know someone who may have a little difficulty communicating their feelings whilst driving…someone who you would rather brush your teeth with toilet water, than step foot inside a car next to? This cool gift allows them to make their feelings fully understood!

Is someone tailing a little too close? Politely let them know to lay off a little with the palm gesture…Someone been a decent citizen and let you out of a tight spot? Let them know they rock...Somebody screeched out behind you at 120kmph and is trying to overtake at every single god damn opportunity, putting everybody’s lives at risk just to shave a few seconds off their stupid day? Flip them the bird.

I think we all know which buttons gonna get burnt out first!


Geshowit LED Driver Gesture Display With 3 Optional Gesture Modes.

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